After having a child, many mothers have to struggle with the decision of whether to return to the workforce or not. Finding a high quality, caring Pa daycare center can be a lengthy search. And in many places, including PA childcare can be so expensive that it almost entirely cancels out wages. Employer sponsored childcare is one option that companies are looking at to attract new employees and retain the ones they already have.
Hildebrandt Learning Centers has been working with corporations since 1991 to help sponsor childcare in the workplace. Employer sponsored childcare can make it easier for women and men to go to work and worry less about arranging for care of their children. With 29 sites currently accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children and more awaiting review, Hildebrandt is attempting to raise the standards of corporate childcare.
In addition to corporate daycare, Hildebrandt also has setup two corporate sponsored adult day service centers. This intergenerational concept may help those in a corporate workforce with aging family members feel at ease about the care their loved ones receive while at work. Employer sponsored childcare and elder care can be a beneficial service for any company looking to retain its employees. More info like this: