4,717,000,000… Yup! that was the average number of searches done through Google back in 2011, and it has only increased today! Google estimates that its ecosystem brings in approximately $80 billion a year in revenue for an estimate 1.8 million U.S. based businesses, web sites and nonprofit organizations. Yeah, lets just say they know what they are doing.
High quality links ares still the number one driver for organic search, and despite the fact that no one expects this to change, what is changing is how we manipulate the internet. A once brilliant strategy of Search Engine Optimization is now getting its butt kicked by something known as Cocitation SEO, which is similar in a way but also different. SEO citation is so wordy and often at times it is really awkward to read because the writers are trying to slip in these stupid key words and phrases that throw the flow of the article so badly.
SEO cocitation is done through the relationship and similarity between two items. For example, if both Item A and Item B are both cited by Item C, they may be said to be related to one another, even though they do not directly reference each other. So it is doing the same thing by getting the companies product or service out there, but it seems as if it will reach out to an even bigger audience and will flow much, much better!
SEO Cocitation will become a another ranking factor, but its not going to be all about just using keywords and phrases, it is more about being unique and actually providing good quality content to the reader, rather than just shoving a bunch of keywords and phrases into an article just to get more views. SEO professionals should see cocitation not as a competition, but only a step forward in their field. Its just another way for search engines to better understand content and to show its users more options for what they are looking for!
These things sound like the same exact thing to me. I am really confused
Well SEO is more about keywords and phrases, while cocitation is more about link building? I think.
Well SEO is more about keywords and phrases, while cocitation is more about link building? I think.
Well SEO is more about keywords and phrases, while cocitation is more about link building? I think.
Well SEO is more about keywords and phrases, while cocitation is more about link building? I think.
Well SEO is more about keywords and phrases, while cocitation is more about link building? I think.
Well SEO is more about keywords and phrases, while cocitation is more about link building? I think.
Well SEO is more about keywords and phrases, while cocitation is more about link building? I think.
Well SEO is more about keywords and phrases, while cocitation is more about link building? I think.
Well SEO is more about keywords and phrases, while cocitation is more about link building? I think.
Well SEO is more about keywords and phrases, while cocitation is more about link building? I think.
Well SEO is more about keywords and phrases, while cocitation is more about link building? I think.
Well SEO is more about keywords and phrases, while cocitation is more about link building? I think.
Well SEO is more about keywords and phrases, while cocitation is more about link building? I think.
Well SEO is more about keywords and phrases, while cocitation is more about link building? I think.
Well SEO is more about keywords and phrases, while cocitation is more about link building? I think.
Well SEO is more about keywords and phrases, while cocitation is more about link building? I think.
Well SEO is more about keywords and phrases, while cocitation is more about link building? I think.
Well SEO is more about keywords and phrases, while cocitation is more about link building? I think.