In centuries past, our ancestors used to setup camp in the great outdoors. They cared little about the elements, the wild animals, or the lack of running water. Of course, they rarely had a choice in the matter as they traveled between the original 13 colonies of the United States.
Luckily or otherwise, the United States has since developed into a land where we never have to worry about sleeping away a night without a roof over our heads. However, camping is fast becoming one of the most popular activities in the country. The fact is that we have a natural connection to nature, an intrinsic urge to connect with our animal selves.
Of course, when you have a family, that is not always a good enough reason for them to go camping. If you are looking for a great vacation option, here are four ways to convince the wife and kids to head out on a family camping experience.
- You Do Not Have to “Rough It”
- Get Your Kids Outside
- See the States Like Never Before
- An Affordable Alternative
One of the hardest parts about convincing your family to go camping in Ontario, camping in New York, or elsewhere is getting them over the idea that they are going to have to live under the stars without any kind of amenities, like indoor plumbing. However, many high quality camp grounds offer alternatives to tents, like RV camping, along with amenities and activities that give campers other options than playing in the woods all day.
By taking your kids camping in Ontario, you can get them away from the computer. It is no secret that one of the biggest problems in keeping our kids healthy is how difficult it is to pull them away from their phones, TVs, and computer. Camping in Ontario, for example, gives you the ability to teach them about nature while improving their health through great outdoor activities like hiking.
When you decide to find a park and go camping in Ontario or elsewhere, you give yourself the ability to see the United States and parts of Canada like you never have before. Consider, typical campers go on five trips a year, traveling 191 miles on average to camp. Not only will you see parts of the country you have never seen before, but you will see them up close and personal.
Whether you go RV camping in Illinois or cabin camping in Ontario, it can be one of the best values of any vacation you will ever take. Consider, you do not have to worry about the costs of eating out every night when you go camping. Instead, you can cook some of America’s favorite camp foods, like s’mores, hot dogs, and tinfoil packet dinners.
If you have been trying to get your family camping in Ontario or in the wondrous cabins in New York’s beautiful forests, make sure you explain to them all the benefits of the experience. If they were not convinced before, they certainly will be now. Happy travels!
Oh, man. If I can explain to my wife they she doesn’t have to sleep in a tent, I’ll be golden!