You Can Find the Right Glasses for Your Face by Shopping Online

Online frames

Once you’ve gotten the prescription eyewear you need with the assistance of your ophthalmologist, you will likely be wondering how to choose the right glasses for your face. With more than $8.6 billion being spent on frames in the year 2012 alone, there are undoubtedly a wide variety of styles, colors, and materials from which to choose.

By choosing to buy frames online, the possibilities may grow exponentially. You’ll certainly have the ability to compare many more frames side-by-side than you would in a physical store. You can also benefit from the readily attainable feedback of past customers regarding the look, comfort, and durability of particular brands, whether they are Oakleys, Ray Bans, or something in between.

On the subject of feedback, customers who have purchased frames for their glasses online have been overwhelmingly satisfied with their respective experiences. More specifically, more than 95% of these buyers described the scenario as either “good,” “very good,” or “excellent.” In fact, when people buy frames, they are much more apt to look for the product via a web retailer’s site than on pages published by the brand manufacturer.

Statistically speaking, because women in America are almost twice as likely to use contact lenses as men in the states, logic would suggest that the latter are more apt to buy frames. According to a 2012 study conducted by the Vision Council, it takes about 2.2 years for people to buy new frames for their glasses, regardless of gender.

When figuring out how to choose the right glasses for your face, you will want to consider the overall shape of your face, and how certain frames complement that shape best. You will also want frames that help to show off your features. For example, a certain pair of frames may accentuate chiseled facial features or even the piercing color of your eyes.

If you have additional questions, comments, or recommendations regarding how to find frames online, be sure to share them in the forum below. More can be found here:

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