If you get hurt at work, you may be entitled to workers compensation benefits. These are compensation benefits given to employees who have been injured or disabled while on the job. Private carriers who work through several different underwriting companies handle workers compensation insurance.
Determining the level of eligibility for these payments depends on several factors. For instance, some payments are based on whether the worker hurt at work can find another job in a partial capacity; with an example being an employee who lost an arm can still find work as a proportion of a fully able person. Now, the same physical injury or loss can have a completely different impact on a person depending on his or her profession. For example, if a banker loses his finger, he can still perform his job; but losing a finger will ruin the career of a pianist.
It may require an attorney to help navigate the process of applying and receiving benefits if you are hurt at work. An attorney can help you determine whether you are eligible and what type of compensation you could receive. Usually, workers compensation to those hurt at work is between 50 and 70 percent of their usual pay. There may also be return to work programs for which you are eligible after you heal from being hurt at work.
A workers compensation attorney can help you ensure that you receive any and all benefits for which you are eligible if you are hurt at work. Because this is a confusing process, it is best to have an attorney on your side. Alternatively, if you are a business owner, you may need the services of an attorney to determine the level of coverage you need in the case of an employee getting hurt at work. Additionally, an attorney can help with claims made by employees to ensure their legitimacy. This will also make sure that an employee received the proper benefits if they are hurt at work.
If you are hurt at work, or need more information as to workers compensation insurance for your business, find a qualified attorney or professional human resources person to guide you through the process.