Botteless Water Cooler

Filtered bottleless water cooler

The average person uses around 80 to 100 gallons of water each and every day. There are water coolers in the workplace to help people get the water that they need during the course of the work day. You can also have water coolers at home. One of the newest types of water coolers is the bottleless water cooler. The bottleless water cooler has all kinds of advantages. For instance, the bottleless water coolers are point of use water cooler so you don’t have heavy bottles of water to lug around. Point of use water coolers use water filtration systems which dispenses the water in a way that will save you up to 80 percent of the money you would spend on bottled water.

Botteless water coolers also use reverse osmosis water purification systems. Reverse osmosis can remove up to 90 percent of inorganic chemicals. So in other words, you don’t have to worry about the water you drink from a bottleless water cooler containing harmful chemicals like fluoride, nitrate, sulfate, iron, lead, copper, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, zinc or silver. Your drinking water is pure when you use a bottleless water cooler. Bottled water almost always comes from a municipal water supply that is filtered and then bottled.

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