HIPAA Email Compliance is Crucial to Health Care Providers

Medical mobile apps

It is crucial to all medical professionals that they maintain HIPAA email compliance. Believe it or not, there are legal penalties, including fines and jail time that can come with ignoring HIPAA email compliance.

Title II of the HIPAA regulations establishes national standards for electronic health care transactions. These can include electronic medical recording keeping, as well as identifiers for health insurance plans, providers and employers. Now, one of the quickest ways to transfer these records and information is via electronic transmissions, especially email, and that is why HIPAA email compliance is so important. Confidentiality of patient records must be maintained, and because email is really not that safe or secure, it is important to look at methods to ensure HIPAA email compliance.

There are specific requirements of the Act that covers actual Hipaa email compliance. For instance, there must be access controls in place that limit access to systems that contain health information. There should also be authentication protocols in place that verify that the person accessing records is actually the correct person.

Individual health care provides may come up with different conclusions as to the threat of emailing client records, and they must look at their mobile and HIPAA email compliance policies. In addition to HIPAA email compliance, there are other HIPAA related concerns that must be considered as well. These include backup systems, archiving, emergency access, and security.

Luckily, there are specialized applications that can help you maintain a Hipaa compliant email service. These apps will encrypt the data on a smart phone, send it to the intended recipient and then decrypt it. This will ensure that HIPAA email compliance as well as patient privacy is maintained. These applications will also solve the above mentioned issues of backups, archiving, and security.

There are 551 certified medical information software companies in the United States. As a group, they sell a total of 1,137 software programs, so you will be able to find a program that will suit your needs of HIPAA email compliance.

Make sure that you follow all HIPAA email compliance and secure text messaging rules to ensure patient privacy, as well as protecting your practice from legal issues.

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