X-rays have been around far longer than they have been in the public consciousness. In fact, that x-ray was discovered over 100 years ago in 1895, and were originally called roentgenograms by everyone but the discovering scientist who called them x-rays. SInce then x-rays have become a staple in the medical profession, allowing doctors and surgeon crucial views of a patients.
X-rays are now being used for greater applications than science experiments and medical procedures. Back on July 23, 1999, the Chandra X-ray Observatory was launched by NASA inaugurating the journey of an x-ray with abilities to detect sources that were 100 times fainter than previous capabilities. Enabled by the mirrors’ high angular resolutions this telescope launch exemplifies just what feats can be hurdled by x-ray technology when equipped with the right mechanisms.
Medical x-rays are created by shooting a stream of electrons into a metal plate to come to a sudden stop. If this sounds a little bit violent, that is because it is. Shooting electrons at just anything can have adverse affects. These affects of radiation are exactly why lead glasses are used to protect the eyes and lead aprons are worn over the body. Radiation protection products have been the complementary mechanism to medical x-ray technology for some time. As lead glasses are used to protect vital human organs, other protection products have shown just as much usefulness.
Although radiation protection is vital to the use of x-rays, x-ray supporting technologies go beyond lead glasses. In today’s modern hospitals the linchpin x-ray technology is further amplified by picture archiving and communications systems, otherwise known as PACS workstations. These workstations use medical grade computers, called PACS computers, to receive the patient images generated by x-rays. This streamlined workstation cuts out the need to run to image libraries and seek old patient files, or to file new images. PACS monitors allow radiologists and medical professionals to look at, medical scans including ultrasound, magnetic resonance, positron emission tomography, computed tomography, endoscopy, mammograms, digital radiography, computed radiography, and many more. This one stop radiology desk can hasten the work day considerably, allowing radiology teams to help more people with they hours they work.
When seeking PACS vendors or radiation protection products, look for time tested quality. As a patient’s well being may depend on the quality representation of their image, more and more radiologists are begin pushed to to use more advanced technology. If you are such a doctor, then the importance of using technology you can trust. When looking for a PACS workstation or to replace outdated components in your existing system look to buy from a trustworthy manufacturer who emphasizes image viewing display products that address the full range of the market’s needs.