If you are a business owner who wants to boost sales through a new or existing website, you should probably consider a strong Internet marketing plan. As you probably know, there has been an increase in businesses trying to boost their profits by using the Internet to drive traffic to their business. Many company owners perceive that it is only a matter of just building a website and putting it out there on the Internet. However, without search engine optimization and other Internet marketing processes, very few of these sites will receive the traffic needed to increase sales.
Through SEO efforts along with Internet marketing, you will increase the organic ranking of your website through efforts that improve overall quality and content visibility. Why is this important? A large number, 93 percent, of Internet users start their experience with a visit to a search engine. And, about 70 percent of search engine users will click on an organic link rather than a paid listing. Internet marketing will help you get those organic links that are higher up on the search engine result listings.
According to online service providers and retailers, more than 39 percent of their customers come from searches. And, estimates show that in 2012, about 88.1 percent of U.S. Internet users ages 14 and above will browse or research products online.
To take advantage of these numbers, your Internet marketing plan should ensure that you are as high up on the search result listings as possible. There are many parts of an Internet marketing plan that will help you achieve this. In addition to the usual search engine optimization of your website copy, you will also need several other parts. For instance, you will need a strong email marketing campaign that will alert recipients to any sales or product specials. This Internet marketing plan process will keep the lines of communication open to current and potential customers.
You will also want to include social media as part of your overall Internet marketing efforts. Again, this presence will keep you in contact with your customers, as well as providing a way to get your message out via a very popular platform.