Outside Maintenance Checklist for New Homeowners

The natural world, which includes birds as well as butterflies. It can make your home a better place for your family, you as well as animals that live in your area. To conserve water and eliminate weeds while reducing yard work, you can opt for landscaping with xeriscape.

There is no need to be hard to maintain your outside areas. This simple guide will help to keep your garden and house looking beautiful while decreasing the amount of time needed to maintain them.

Winterize Your Sprinkler System

The most expensive plumbing errors homeowners can commit is not winterizing their outdoor sprinkler system. Make sure to turn off your water lines for your outside when temperatures fall to below freezing. If you’re using any outside faucets, be sure to shut off your water, and also disconnect the lines. This prevents the pipes from freezing and can result in costly damages. If you’re using an automated sprinklers, shut it off and drain any water from the pipes. This will protect the system from frigid winter temperatures.

Check for damage to stucco

Nowadays, stucco is employed as siding in many homes. Stucco can be strong, lasting, and easy to damage. Be sure to inspect your stucco walls for any cracks, chips, or holes. It is recommended to fill them up with mortar, or other suitable substances as soon as possible. This will safeguard your stucco walls’ integrity and improve your home’s appearance. It is important to act immediately if mildew or mold appears on stucco walls. Hiring a professional to clean and seal stucco surfaces can help protect them from further damage.

Keep Your HVAC System Clean and in Good Working Order

The outdoor component of your HVAC system can be susceptible to dust and environmental harm. It’s important to look over your outdoor unit for indications of wear or damage. If you notice any problems, you should contact an expert.


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